It's always exciting when we get to employ the ridiculous amount of technology we have at our disposal, and patch in someone like they were in the room with us. Such is the case with the London-based Sophie Mayer, who we're delighted to announce will be joining us this month.
Sophie is a film critic and regular contributor to magazine Sight and Sound and The F-Word. The writes regularly on feminist, queer and alternative cinema, and is the author of The Cinema of Sally Potter: A Politics of Love and of Political Animals: The New Feminist Cinema, and co-edited Catechism: Poems For Pussy Riot. She is part of Club des Femmes and Raising Films, and teaches film studies and creative writing whenever she can.
But which filmmaker will we be discussing this month?
None other than the legendary horror filmmaker George A Romero!
Romero is best known for popularising the zombie genre in mainstream cinema, through his seminal trilogy Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead. These extraordinary films have formed the spine of his legacy, but he was never exclusively a zombie director.
From the modern-day jousting knights drama Knightriders to the vampiric thriller Martin, Romero's work is so much more diverse than his reputation gives him credit for.
So join us on September 30 when we explore and reveal the hidden corners of this amazing filmography!