Hell Is For Hyphenates – November 2013

TV presenter, actress and comedian Julia Zemiro (RockWiz, Eurovision, Home Delivery, QI) joins the show to look at the new releases of November 2013, ask why prose in films is so frequently terrible, and check out the fascinating career of director Ang Lee.

3 thoughts on “Hell Is For Hyphenates – November 2013

  1. Marie

    Thought you might like to know that I have just finished catching up on all your previous episodes from here in the UK! I love the film makers section and my list of movies to watch has increased significantly as a result. Now patiently waiting for one of your guests to select Hirokazu Koreeda as their choice … Keep up the good work!

    1. Avatar photoThe Hyphenates Post author

      Thanks Marie! So glad you're enjoying them. Funnily enough, roughly one hour before you left this comment, we were actually talking about how much we'd like someone to pick Koreeda in the near future! Fingers crossed for that one.


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