Hell Is For Hyphenates – December 2011

Author and reviewer Myke Bartlett helps us see out 2011, talking the best and worst of December’s releases, comparing lists of the best films of the year, and diving into the imaginative and colourful filmography of director Terry Gilliam.

6 thoughts on “Hell Is For Hyphenates – December 2011

  1. Mathew Guglielmi

    Super, directed by James Gunn, is to be released on Blue Ray and DVD on January 5th by Village Roadshow. James Gunn previously directed Slither that was released in 2006.

    Tideland is the one film, in my cinema going life, I very seriously nearly walked out of a screening for at MIFF. I felt let down after linking Brazil, Fisher King, and Twelve Monkeys. Tideland seemed like a big mess of a movie-it had very disconcerting shifts of tone – several members of the audience walked out of the MIFF screening I attended.

  2. Bayram

    Super, directed by James Gunn, is to be realesed on Blue Ray and DVD on January 5th by Village Roadshow. James Gunn previously directed Slither that was realesed in 2006.Tideland is the one film, in my cinema going life, I very seriously nearly walked out of a screening for at MIFF. I felt let down after linking Brazil, Fisher King, and Twelve Monkeys. Tideland seemed like a big mess of a movie-it had very disconcerting shifts of tone several members of the audience walked out of the MIFF screening I attended.


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