Hell Is For Hyphenates – May 2014

Sarah Caldwell joins the Hyphenates to talk about the films of May 2014, ask why Hollywood is so obsessed with destroying cities at the moment, and look over the filmography of US indie writer/director Jim Jarmusch.

Hell Is For Hyphenates – April 2014

HitFix film critic Drew McWeeny joins the show to talk the films of April 2014, look at why the rest of the world is increasingly getting Hollywood blockbusters before the US, and pay tribute to the great Harold Ramis as we explore his directorial career.

Hell Is For Hyphenates – March 2014

Critic and film programmer Zak Hepburn joins us to debate the films of March 2014, ask whether cult movies can still exist in the age of the internet, and explore the surreal films of Chilean director Alejandro Jodorowsky.

Hell Is For Hyphenates – February 2014

Good Game’s Stephanie Bendixsen, aka Hex, joins the show to talk the films of February 2014, ask whether video games should be made into movies, and check out the career of French action maestro Luc Besson.

Hell Is For Hyphenates – January 2014

Cinephile, critic and festival programmer Ian Barr joins the show to talk the films of January 2014, discover the groundbreaking career of the pioneering Alice Guy-Blaché, and look over the films directed by legendary comedian Albert Brooks.

Hell Is For Hyphenates – December 2013

Journalist, author and critic Mel Campbell joins the Hyphenates to talk the films of December 2013, compare notes on best-of-the-year lists, and examine the films of director Kathryn Bigelow.

Hell Is For Hyphenates – November 2013

TV presenter, actress and comedian Julia Zemiro (RockWiz, Eurovision, Home Delivery, QI) joins the show to look at the new releases of November 2013, ask why prose in films is so frequently terrible, and check out the fascinating career of director Ang Lee.

Hell Is For Hyphenates – October 2013

The Chaser’s Chris Taylor guest hosts to talk the films of October 2013, check out the legendary comedies of Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker, and explore the impossible eclectic filmography of Rob Reiner.

Hell Is For Hyphenates – September 2013

Comedian-writer-actress Tegan Higginbotham joins the Hyphenates to talk the films of September 2013, predict the future of cinema, and look at the filmography of mega-budget maestro James Cameron.

Hell Is For Hyphenates – August 2013

Sydney Morning Herald film critic Giles Hardie joins us to talk the films of August 2013, and look over the career of perhaps the best-known filmmaker of all time, Steven Spielberg.